Astronomy Friends New Braunfels – Our club’s FaceBook page.
Metroblue Astronomy Weather Forecast including seeing at your location!
TPML Clear Sky Chart – Forecast of viewing conditions in the vicinity of the Tye Preston Memorial Library in Canyon Lake, TX.
Sky an Telescope Interactive Sky Chart – Create a chart of the night sky for any evening. Allow location access or enter your zip code.
Tonight’s Sky – Create a viewing plan containing stars, planets, galaxies, nebulas, etc. Be sure to update the lattitude to 29.85 and the longitude to -98.1.
Heavens Above – Track satellites, the ISS, comets, asteroids, planets, etc. Coordinates are set for Comal County, TX.
Sky Maps – Download a monthly PDF of whats in the night sky.
IAU Minor Planet Center – Learn about and track near earth astroids.
NOAA Space Weather – Heading North? Check out this link for the daily aurora forecast.
Astronomy Magazine – Anything and everything related to astronomy from space telescopes to backyard viewing.
Sky and Telescope Magazine – Another Anything and everything site related to astronomy.
Astronomy Tools – Resources and calculators. The link goes straight to a field of view calculator to see what an object will look like in your eyepiece or camera.
Comal County Friends of the Night Sky – Our local group working to preserve the night sky by addressing light pollution in the area. Also on FaceBook.
Hill Country Alliance – Night Skies – The Hill Country Alliance night sky initiative
McDonald Observatory Dark Sky Initiative
International Dark-Sky Association – Protecting the night sky for future generations.
Light Pollution Map – Visual interpretation of light pollution in Comal County as well as anywhere in the world.
Skies and Scopes – How to use your smart phone for astrophotography.
Amateur Astrophotography – Getting started with Astrophotography
DSLR Astrophotography – Using your DSLR for Astrophotography – settings, tips, etc.
Astrophotography Tool – Camera and accessory control and image recognition, even with your old Cannon or Nikon DSLR (Free!).
N.I.N.A – Camera and accessory control and image recognition (Free!).
Deep Sky Stacker – Register and stack multiple sub frames to improve your photos (Free!).
PixInsight – Post processing of astrophotography images.
PHD2 – Guide your equatorial telescope mount with your computer (Free!).
Best Star Gazing Apps for IOS and Android – Outline of various apps.
Sky Safari – Whats that in the sky? Hold your phone up to see what it is (iOS and Android).
Polar Scope Align Pro – Easily set up your equatorial telescope mount to point at the true celestial pole (iOS).
Polar Finder Pro – Easily set up your equatorial telescope mount to point at the true celestial pole (Android).